Government Reform
In order to ensure a more democratic system we must work hard to accurately represent Americans and their ever-changing interests, desires, and needs. We must find new, innovative ways to ensure the representation of all people through data collection, surveys, and establishing an online center where we can find the results of this information and use it to make better decisions for all. Reform also includes basic things like requiring legislators to actually read bills and make them public before they vote on them, merging, and consolidating federal agencies to save money, and greater transparency with regard to how legislators spend taxpayers’ dollars.
As a future member of the U.S. Senate, I promise to work on the following:
Taking a closer look at government expenditure and creating/supporting any legislation that promises to reduce and/or eliminate unnecessary expenses. Taxpayers deserve to have their money spent in ways that benefit them. They should also have a say in how the money is spent that provides more room for conversation and transparency
Creating and supporting legislation that places necessary rules and regulations on lawmakers’ ability to funnel tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on pet projects
Partnering with Gallup or a similar polling company to eventually produce a national online survey system, beginning with the Hoosier state, reflecting Hoosiers’ changing opinions in real-time. The Gallup World Poll is one of the greatest examples of how polling can be used to improve representation. As stated above, my primary goal is to represent the people, their interests, their desires and needs to the utmost. This cannot be done without real-time, accurate collection of data. Therefore, upon my successful election, expect to see this new online center published to my website showing my opinions, Hoosiers’ opinions, details regarding the issue at hand (ex. Legislation w/time given for electronic public comments and weigh-in), an online space for public conversation/discussion between myself and constituents, and finally, the results of my vote along with reasons why. My hope is to create the ultimate transparency in government when it comes to forming new legislation and working for Hoosiers