I believe in government funded healthcare options and proposals for programs, such as Medicare for All. I'm also a strong advocate for new healthcare and hospital systems which use sliding fee scales to guarantee healthcare to individuals based on their income. There should be more transparency, regulation and control over rising costs (including for prescription drugs). Providers must submit an itemized list of all charges to patients before providing care if possible.
In 2010, former President Barack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Although it wasn't perfect, it was a step in the right direction towards making an effort to provide healthcare at an affordable rate to all Americans. The problem is it wasn’t entirely affordable for everyone. Obamacare created a health insurance exchange program that facilitates the sale of private health insurance plans directly to U.S. residents and offers subsidies to those who earn a certain amount with added assistance for those on Medicaid and to small businesses.
The Trump Administration eliminated a problem with it: the individual mandate that everyone had to have health insurance with penalties if you didn't, while ignoring another big problem: subsidy paybacks where individuals had to pay back the assistance they received in some cases. This all gets very complicated too quickly. In conclusion, there remain several issues with our healthcare system. Here’s how I plan to tackle them as a future U.S. Senator. But first, I need to share with you the fact that our senators don't care about how you get your healthcare. In times past, our state has had senators who are not only against Obamacare, but in favor of getting rid of it entirely without any proposing any alternatives. In this time period, that's just not feasible.
As a future U.S. Senator, here’s what I plan to work on regarding healthcare:
First, I intend to support the already existing programs, Medicare and Medicaid. I will do everything in my power to ensure these programs remain for Hoosiers and the American people. Additionally, I plan to support any legislation that makes healthcare affordable for all regardless of pre-existing conditions whether it be a version of the ACA (Affordable Care Act), Medicare for All, or another. I am not in support of removing the ACA without any other available options for the American people. Finally, while I can support the good intentions of the ACA, Universal Healthcare and/or Medicare for All, I remain concerned about any government mandate for healthcare insurance, the quality of care and services of such programs, the status of private insurance programs and doctors, and immunity in cases of medical malpractice.
Legislation that reflects America’s free enterprise system and allows patients to choose a program that works best for them. Even with Medicare for All, I want Americans to have options on what type of program they need or want.
Pandemic Care & Treatment Legislation. Upon my election to the senate, I intend on proposing legislation that will keep healthcare costs down for patients during a pandemic for the prevention of price-gouging and false reporting.
Legislation that places price caps on high medical costs and procedures, including prescription drugs. The cost of medical services and treatment in this country should never exceed government revenue, as it presently does; when this happens, prices must be reevaluated and temporarily capped to close the divide. I will also support legislation that will provide “charity-care” reimbursements to hospitals and clinics at a particular rate after they have already provided care to someone who can’t pay.
Bill itemization law and no surprise medical bills legislation (with complete transparency from beginning to end during treatment), along with added support for new hospital systems, such as Northshore Health Centers (a non-profit healthcare network in Indiana), which uses sliding fee scales to guarantee healthcare to individuals based on household income. As stated above, I also support legislation that makes it illegal for health insurers to discriminate against individuals with pre-existing conditions.
Demand insurance companies and providers work together to create a system where clients know what will be covered or not under their insurance plan prior to services being performed.
Legislation which charges a governmental entity (ex. The Department of Health and Human Services) with the responsibility of reviewing medical billing complaints with the ability to file charges. Comparing hospital prices with what other hospitals are charging in the area is difficult for the average American. Americans need assistance with medical bill review in general, billing errors and scrutinizing the prices charged by hospitals and medical providers.
Legislation that holds the Federal Drug & Administration to a higher level of scrutiny and accountability when it comes to meeting clinical trial requirements and producing drugs and healthy foods for the American people.
Legislation that supports the purchase of private insurance programs across state lines.
Legislation that allows Hoosiers and Americans to purchase prescription drugs from outside of the United States at affordable prices in order to increase competition.
Support and create programs that encourage and foster the creation of more U.S. primary care physicians focused on preventative care and holistic health.
Require a complete review of healthcare spending, waste, and efficiency on an annual basis.
Providing more access to healthcare with a special focus on rural and vulnerable communities.
NOTE: A poll taken some years ago indicated that while Americans want some form of a public option like Medicare & Medicaid, most do not agree with entirely abolishing private health insurance companies. Let’s focus on perfecting what we already have by reviewing gaps in coverage, making it easier for patients to get affordable primary and specialized services, and giving patients the freedom to still choose the best care for them and their families.